TopPosting !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Paul pfortin at
Tue Apr 15 20:15:29 UTC 2008

On Tue, Apr 15, 2008 at 4:09 PM, Steve T <progressivepenguin at>

> Like I said earlier, it's a mail list.  We don't have our finger on the
> "nukular" button.  We are not performing surgery (at least I hope none of us
> are).  No one has a gun to anyone's head forcing them to read this
> absolutely riveting discussion.  It's a mail list.  If top posting gives you
> hives or sends you into an apoplectic fit, then there is always the delete
> function.

You're right, this isn't surgery.

It's far less complicated.

It's also fairly obvious how the majority of the community would prefer you
to post.  Most of the replies in this thread are polite requests to not top

You took it upon yourself (because you're special and unique and gosh
darnnit, rules don't apply to you, you can do what you want) to start

If you don't like the standards, which seem rather clear, you can always
leave.  Expecting a community to bend to your will doesn't work.  You'll
just be met with more resistance, and in the end, booted from the list.
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