nVidia Computer

Karl Larsen k5di at zianet.com
Tue Apr 15 11:32:53 UTC 2008

Rutger van Haasteren wrote:
> On Tue, Apr 15, 2008 at 10:09 AM, steve <sfreilly at roadrunner.com> wrote:
>> Hash: SHA1
>> Karl Larsen wrote:
>> |
>> |         My question to you all right now, those of you that have a
>> | successful nVidia computer that never crashes.
>> 1- msi motherboard, amd 64 bit, nforce chipset, nvidia 256k card, been
>> using different flavors of suse, fedora, ubuntu, dual boot xp (sons
>> computer) for 4 years, never a crash or lockup.
>> 2- hp pavillion, amd 64 bit, nvidia 128k card, running various linux
>> distros for 4+ years. no crashes.
>> 3- compaq, amd 64 bit, nvidia 128k card, mainly debian/ubuntu 5 years, ,
>> now myth box, never crashed.
>> 4- acer laptop, amd 64 bit, nvidia graphics, 1 year, ubuntu mainly,
>> never crashes.
>> ~ Sounds like you have hardware problems, its got nothing to do with
>> nvidia drivers or hardware.
> (All ubuntu 64 bit)
> 1 - MSI motherboard RS480-IL, AMD64 3200+,  nvidia 256 card, nforce chipset,
> doesn't crash
> 2 - Same as 1 with ATI card: crashes
> 3 - Asus motherboard, Intel Core2Duo 1.6 GHz, nvidia 512 card, nforce
> chipset, never crashed
> I have had no problems with nvidia drivers (but I did with the ati fglrx
> drivers). IME, although closed source, nvidia drivers have very good linux
> performance compared to other brands. The fact that you have these problems
> as well with the nv drivers says enough I guess. You don't have driver
> problems, you have hardware problems.
> Rutger
    I don't think so. I have a nVidia problem. I can load the good 
nVidia driver like I did on Hardy and it will not stay up 5 minutes! 
Here I can get 3 or 4 days before a crash using the "nv" driver. Looks 
like hell but it works most of the time :-)



	Karl F. Larsen, AKA K5DI
	Linux User
	#450462   http://counter.li.org.
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