Installing 7.1 (Gutsy) (was goes to a "/target" drive???)

NoOp glgxg at
Mon Apr 14 17:04:47 UTC 2008

On 04/13/2008 07:31 PM, Joseph wrote:

> Actually, I DID get Nils' response and I thought I'd responded to it.


> However, at this point, I'd changed from the 2112Mb drive to a 10Gb
> drive.  I actually got it onto the disk, but it won't mount and boot
> But if you notice the Subject line it's changed....   I changed it
> when I changed to the HD.  I suppose I should have been more clear on
> that.

Hate to admit it, but at this point I'd need a map to figure out where
you are & what the next problem actually is.

When you start a thread, please work on *one* problem. Once that problem
is resolved, end of thread; unless of course another problem pops up
that is directly related to the original... common sense should prevail
:-) Your question to this original thread has been asked and answered.
(IMHO) this thread is done. Please start a new thread with an
appropriate subject line for the next problem.

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