how to install ubuntu to a box without display monitor?

Chris Mohler cr33dog at
Sun Apr 13 18:57:23 UTC 2008

On Sun, Apr 13, 2008 at 1:42 PM, Joseph <ubuntu at> wrote:
> mike wrote:
>  > Or install on another system that has a monitor network etc then move
>  > the harddrive over to the headless system....
>  > -mike
>  >
>  You mean that can be done???   I thought it was a little like M$ and couldn't be changed to another
>  computer and work.
>  Joseph

Yeah - but it can be tricky if the hardware is vastly different, or if
the BIOS orders drives differently.  I've done this with CentOS before
- I installed the bare minimum of packages first, then transferred.
After it booted and I could SSH in, then I added the rest (LAMP,
Webmin, etc).  Never tried with Ubuntu, but the process should be

I'd advise digging up a monitor though - that's the most hassle-free approach...


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