Password Help

Nils Kassube kassube at
Sun Apr 13 12:46:49 UTC 2008

Karl Larsen wrote:
> Jeffrey Tooker wrote:
> > I have just installed Ubuntu to drive E in my PC.  I wrote down my
> > user name and password.  I tried my user namd and password when the
> > system came up.  I tried for a long time but the system would not let
> > me in.  What are my alternatives.
>     The fast way might be to just re-load Ubuntu and give it the same
> password and name you used the first time. 

Karl, I think you have a twisted relation to time. Reinstalling Ubuntu 
isn't fast, it takes much more time than resetting the user password.

> The name has to be one word 
> and the password also one word but it should have a number in it.

I never heard of that requirement - very strange. Actually I use a 
password without numbers and it workes.

> >  When I intalled Ubuntu in E drive it left the root directory
> > of my Windows XP.  Where did it go?  I am not a techie, old man 65
> > YO.
>     I am 7 years older than you. Your windows is still there. You need
> to read the file /boot/grub/menu.lst and that will tell you how to add
> Windows to the grub loader. Then you can boot either Windows or Ubuntu.

The Windows entry probably is already included in that file. You just have 
to know how to select it from the grub boot menu.


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