Gutsy unstable

Chris Mohler cr33dog at
Sat Apr 12 19:47:04 UTC 2008

On Fri, Apr 11, 2008 at 3:26 PM, Pastor JW
<pastor_jw at> wrote:
>  I read somewhere, ...I have the notes here but not the location, that it was
>  better to use iwl3945 rather than the ipw3945 module. It is supposed to be a
>  workaround for the bug, and so I changed it.  Haven't noticed drop-outs or
>  slowdowns since with my wireless connection.

I had similar problems with ipw3945 and Gusty.  Sometimes I would be
unable to kill NetworkManager - after it would drop the connection/and
or become unresponsive -, and trying to rmmod ipw3945 would hang the
system.  Since switching to iwl3945 this has not happened anymore.


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