Ubuntu's OpenOffice formatting changed from XP's OO formatting

Jaime Tarrant jaime.tarrant at gmail.com
Wed Apr 9 12:15:49 UTC 2008

Karl Larsen wrote:
> NoOp wrote:
>> On 04/07/2008 05:57 PM, Joseph wrote:
>>> I used to use OO with Windows XP and formatted the odt documents as needed.
>>> Then when I changed to Ubuntu, and bring those OO in XP documents, the 
>>> formatting has been changed.  Changes are such as:
>>>       Areas where font size is altered
>>>       Page formatting (margins)
>>>       Text style changed from Comic Sans to New Times Roman
>>>             How can I get some more interesting fonts???  Everything 
>>> looks the same
>>> I have approximately (probably more than) 1000 odt documents made with 
>>> OO in XP.  It is so time consuming to make all these changes.  Seems 
>>> that they were made with OO in Xp the settings should be the same with 
>>> OO in Ubuntu....
>>> My question:   Is there a way I can set OO or Ubuntu, so that documents 
>>> will maintain all the previous settings in which they were originally 
>>> saved?
>>> Thanks in advance for all helpful replies
>>> Joseph
>> Install the fonts that you used in OOo XP.
>     I want to know HOW you load the fonts you find in XP. I too have 
> noticed that there is a lot fewer fonts in Linux. So how do you load the 
> other 25 fonts?
> Karl

Try the package msttcorefonts, or ttf-liberation for a GPL version 
containing fonts with the same metrics as the other.

~$ sudo apt-get install msttcorefonts

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