[ubuntu-users] Second of several questions

Felipe Figueiredo philsf79 at gmail.com
Fri Apr 4 06:37:00 UTC 2008

On Thu 03 Apr 2008 07:14:42 Mehmet Sümengen wrote:
> I would suggest FAT32.

Please, people, let FAT32 die and rust in piece. Not even Microsoft uses it 
anymore. It just exists for compatibility reasons [1]

> Because you cannot see hard drives formatted in Ext3 
> etc. under XP OS

False [2]. (This is the first hit on google for "ext3 windows" (without 

You can also use NTFS filesystems to store files for linux. This is not 
recommended for 

> Other people correct me please if I'm wrong.

Does this mean you were not sure of what you said above, and it was actually a 
question? Please, read before answering.

1. http://arstechnica.com/articles/paedia/past-present-future-file-systems.ars
2. http://www.fs-driver.org/

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