"Tailing" grep (Was: cat and grep without destroying file)

Joel Goguen jtgoguen at gmail.com
Sun Sep 30 22:33:27 UTC 2007

On Sun, 2007-09-30 at 17:04 -0500, Brian Fahrlander wrote:
> While we've got the attention of the most-able on this subject, I'd 
> like to reopen a discussion about a very similar tool: a 'grep' that 
> happens on tailing a file.  There have been dozens of times that I'm 
> looking for a message number in /var/log/mail.log and would love to see 
> only the lines mentioning that message.
>      A couple of years ago I asked and got a "maybe you could write 
> something", but I actually never could.  It's not as easy as it looks.
>      Any chance you guys have seen this done?
> -- 
>   ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>   Brian Fahrländer                 Christian, Conservative, and Technomad
>   Evansville, IN                              http://Fahrlander.net/brian
>   ICQ: 5119262                         AOL/Yahoo/GoogleTalk: WheelDweller
>   ------------------------------------------------------------------------
I have a great deal of success with 'tail -f /var/log/mail.log | grep
XX' where XX is whatever you're looking for.  I actually use that exact
set of commands on a daily basis when I'm at work.

Joel Goguen
The human mind treats a new idea the way the body treats a strange
protein -- it rejects it.  -- P. Medawar
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