Samsung 19inch 931CW - ubuntu looks fuzzy

Gabriel Dragffy gabe at
Sun Sep 30 11:51:13 UTC 2007

On 25 Sep 2007, at 18:47, NoOp wrote:

> On 09/25/2007 07:24 AM, Gabriel Dragffy wrote:
>> One thing that was odd was when I ran dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg
>> it did list the resoltuion I wanted, but only at 100Hz, which I don't
>> think is suited to lcd monitors, typical that all the other
>> resolutions had 60hz available. I chose it anyway, and I'm thinking
>> that maybe the monitor didn't like 100Hz so it defaulted to something
>> else.
> Frequency
> Horizontal Frequency(kHz)  30 ~ 81
> Vertical Frequency(Hz) 	56 ~ 75

Thanks for that page. I've now tracked the problem down to being  
related with the integrated Geforce2 MX graphics card. I'm on Feisty  
and in xorg.conf it was using the 'nv' driver which I can't seem to  
get to give me the correct resolution. Installing nvidia-glx and  
running nvidia-settings let me choose the correct resolution, however  
the computer kept hang and the graphical display was very corrupted.  
Found bug reports, it seems to be a regression between Edgy and  
Feisty, right now I'm download Gutsy tribe 5 in the hope it's been  


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