Gutsy Gibbon and shockwave

Damien Hull dhull at
Sun Sep 30 04:30:59 UTC 2007

It looks like I was using Flash and thought it was shockwave. How well 
does shockwave work under wine?

David L. Willson wrote:
> On Fri, 2007-09-28 at 20:44 -0400, Michael R. Head wrote:
>> On Fri, 2007-09-28 at 18:36 -0600, David L. Willson wrote:
>>> As I understand it, shock and flash work fine on Linux32, but not on
>>> Linux64, or at least not without getting worked.
>> Flash in gutsy works on both ia32 and amd64 architectures now. This is
>> handled by the plugin finger that's been newly developed. On amd64, it
>> installs the plugin wrapper and the regular flash for ia32.
>> I haven't ever known of a shockwave plugin for Linux. Got a link I can
>> test?
> I was wr- mistaken.  There ain't no shockwave for Linux, at least, not
> without wine.
>>> On Fri, 2007-09-28 at 16:00 -0800, Damien Hull wrote:
>>>> I was under the impression that shockwave wasn't available for Linux. 
>>>> However, I am currently running Gutsy Gibbon on my main workstation and 
>>>> websites with shockwave seem to work.
>>>> What's the story behind shockwave and Linux?
>> -- 
>> Michael R. Head <burner at>

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