card reader

NoOp glgxg at
Sat Sep 29 00:20:04 UTC 2007

On 09/28/2007 12:41 AM, norman wrote:
>> Norman,
>> It would be helpful if you gave a little more information than:
>> > Following the advice I was given, because my camera is not recognised, I
>> > bought a USB card reader. I plugged the card in and connected the reader
>> > to the computer using the cable supplied. A little lamp lit up on the
>> > reader but nothing else seemed to happen. I had expected to get an icon
>> > appearing on the desktop that I could use to access my images but this
>> > did not happen.
>> I imagine that if perhaps you told the list a few basic details someone
>> might be able to help.
>> 1. What camera model?
>> 2. What cardreader model?
>> 3. What cardreader USB interface? (USB 1.1 or 2.0)
>> 4. What USB ports & type on your system? (USB 1.1 or 2.0) (manufacture)
> Perhaps you would care to refer to a previous series of question and
> answers called 'camera not recognised' before you start criticising. 

I'll jump right over and start pulling out the archives.

> card reader is USB 2.0  All-in-1 Card Reader. The port is on my computer
> and is used for all sorts of things, which work. Oh yes, I quite forgot,
> I use Ubuntu 7.04.

It wasn't criticism, it was a request that you provide the basic
information necessary for folks to help you.

So, you've still not answered the questions, but I'll go along anyway...

2 . USB 2.0  All-in-1 Card Reader. What is the manufacture/model of the
device? "USB 2.0  All-in-1 Card Reader" could be any of the hundred or
more such devices out on the market. A google search on "USB 2.0
All-in-1 Card Reader" produces over 17,000 hits...
The reason for asking is that some "USB 2.0  All-in-1 Card Readers"
claim to specifically work with linux, while others do not & require
specific drivers even for Windows.

3. Does the card reader also support USB 1.1 or only 2.0? Most 2.0
devices will also support 1.1, some 1.1 devices will not work on a 2.0
port. Either way it's helpful to know what you're dealing with.

4. It's a valid question. Does your system only have USB 1.1 or does it
also have 2.0 ports? It's also important to know the manufacture of the
USB ports - some work well with Ubuntu, some don't. You can provide more
information by:

$ sudo lsusb -v

That will tell you the ports, speed, and manufacturer.


$ sudo apt-get install hwinfo


$ sudo hwinfo --usb

>> Hello? Nobody here is a mind reader. Please don't make folks play
>> guessing games trying to figure out your problem. Your post is akin to
>> me posting and saying: I bought a CD, put it into my computer, a little
>> lamp lit up and nothing happened...
>> Not trying to insult you, but please realize that this is not Dell tech
>> support... a little help from your side is expected :-)
> Now you have had your little game cough up something useful.

Ditto. But when you're asking folks to help you, you might at least have
the courtesy of trying to give as much information up front so that they
don't have to guess. Your 'camera' thread only mentioned your camera
model & OS version in all of two posts by you:

> I recently acquired an Olympus SP 500 UZ camera and, to my horror, it is
> not recognised by Ubuntu 7.04. Can any one please suggest how this
> difficulty may be overcome without telling me to get a different
> camera. 

> My thanks to all for replying. There are some good ideas and the next
> release of Ubuntu is not far away.

No game... but whatever it is, is over for me in this thread. Good luck.

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