card reader

norman norman at
Fri Sep 28 10:59:20 UTC 2007

< snip >
>  it - even by simply confirming that
> the bug exists.
> AFAIK, card readers are well supported by the linux kernel, and so
> your reader most probably works using another distro or even another
> version of Ubuntu.  I am not aware of any card readers that simply are
> not supported by the linux kernel (with the exception of this case,
> where I think linux has the ability to support it, but a bug is
> getting in the way).
> Either way, when you plug in your card (regardless of whether the
> reader was plugged into the computer first or not) the file manager
> should pop open and show you your files on the drive.

 I suppose the card could be at fault and I have got a dead one.


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