
Anthony Gardner cyclewood_ltd at
Fri Sep 28 08:36:24 UTC 2007

I posted this in the forum yesterday and thought I'd put it here as well ........

I was thinking of getting a new Dell 6400n but have changed my mind thanks to the crazy pricing/spec system they have running.
 for the following spec ....
 default processor, default cd/dvd, TrueLife monitor, 80GB HD, 1GB RAM
 The price from Germany is 484.70 Euros (£333)
 The price from France is 484.88 Euros     (£333)
 The price from the UK is £405.38              (587.25 Euros)
 On the French and German Dell sites, the 80GB is the standard HD (60GB in the UK) and the TrueLife monitor is available at no extra cost (£12 in the UK). the RAM is also £5 cheaper in France and Germany.
 Rip Off UK or RIp Off Dell? Your call?
 I called the Sales Desk and the best they could offer it to me was £369. 

 Hope someone finds it useful.


Disclaimer: Technically, I'm always wrong!!
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