card reader

Linda Hanigan haniganwork at
Fri Sep 28 00:54:37 UTC 2007

On Thu, 2007-09-27 at 18:43 +0100, norman wrote:
> Following the advice I was given, because my camera is not recognised, I
> bought a USB card reader. I plugged the card in and connected the reader
> to the computer using the cable supplied. A little lamp lit up on the
> reader but nothing else seemed to happen. I had expected to get an icon
> appearing on the desktop that I could use to access my images but this
> did not happen.
> Could some kind person please tell me what I need to do in order to get
> my photos.
> Norman

  I can't tell you how to get your USB card reader to work, but I can
tell you what works for me. I have a usb adabter that I stick my SD card
into both Linux and Windows XP machines treat it as a flash drive. I got
it from We also recently got a Compact Flash/ IBM
Microdrive Reader/Writer that came with my daughters keyboard because it
uses compact flash for storage. It works the same way and I still have
the packaging. Their website is  If no one can make the
card reader you have you could check them out.

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