Need help getting install to work

Liam Proven lproven at
Thu Sep 27 20:37:26 UTC 2007

On 27/09/2007, Ari Torhamo <ari.torhamo at> wrote:
> On to, 2007-09-27 at 19:25 +0100, Liam Proven wrote:
> > However, with a conventional 5.25" internal drive, as used in the vast
> > majority of desktop PCs, the lens is inaccessible within the machine
> > unless the drive is not only removed but physically disassembled. This
> > is true of both tray-loading and slot-loading units. These are very
> > hard to clean, but with new DVD writers being well under £20 new (US
> > $40 or so), there's not a lot of point.
> Yes there is a point! Everything we throw away burdens the environment
> in a way or another and making a replacement adds to this burden.
> The case of a 5.25" drive is suprisingly easy to open. Think of the
> drive as a jig-saw puzzle of 50 pieces. You just have to take some six
> to eight edge pieces off of the puzzle and put them back where they were
> (four of them are screws) :-) I have opend a few cases myself, and they
> all were this easy.

Well, that's true, yes, I must concede!

But I have to say, I have never yet disassembled a 5.25" drive and
ever had it work again afterwards!

Liam Proven • Profile:
Email: lproven at • GMail/GoogleTalk/Orkut: lproven at
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