serial console on feisty server

Lea Gris lea.gris at
Thu Sep 27 12:13:29 UTC 2007

Tomoki Taniguchi a écrit :
> you are not starting anything up on the /dev/ttyS0 which is the serial console.
> instead of editting /etc/event.d/tty1 and tty2
> (these are virtual console running on /dev/tty1 and /dev/tty2 which
> corresponds to
> CTRL-ALT-F1 and CTRL-ALT-F2 virtual consoles.)
> you need to copy /etc/event.d/tty to /etc/event.d/ttyS0
> edit the new file and replace the last line
> "exec /sbin/getty 38400 tty1"
> with
> "exec /sbin/getty 9600 ttyS0"
> save the file and reboot
> you should get a login prompt when the system finishes booting

Additionnaly, it would be wise to add serial console support to the grub
boot loader so that he can get access on the boot process and switch to
alternate kernel remotely:

To control grub via the serial console then make the following changes:
In the global section of /boot/grub/grub.conf enter the following:
serial --unit=0 --speed=9600
terminal --timeout=2 serial console

     Léa Gris -
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