VPN connection question

NoOp glgxg at sbcglobal.net
Wed Sep 26 23:13:59 UTC 2007

On 09/26/2007 03:39 PM, Patton Echols wrote:
> On 09/26/2007 10:42 AM, NoOp wrote:

>> You might have a look at kvpnc as a front-end for openswan or racoon
>> instead.
>> http://home.gna.org/kvpnc/en/index.html
> Ok, so it looks like I could do that.  couple of questions:
> Since this is a KDE thing, will it run on Gnome desktop w/o breaking 
> other things?

Well... dunno for sure. As I said, I always user BEFVP41's to do the
connections so that I have hardware supplied encryption at both ends & I
don't have to mess with VPN client software :-)

That said, I have a similar situation/install coming up soon so I've
installed kvpnc (seems to come up & looks just fine so far), as well as
racoon &  openswan. I've not tried to set them up yet as I need to set
up another machine on a different subnet to test & probably won't get
around to doing that until tomorrow. In the meantime, hopefully someone
that has used them will jump in here to share their expertise.

> Normally, what I need for my roaming laptop is to be able to access the 
> net from various places, Home and Work are both WPA enabled wifi, and 
> other open networks.  N.M. handles it all quite well.  (if not perfect - 
> but that's another thread).  Would I be able to still use NM to  
> establish the basic connectivity - - and then use kvpnc to set up the 
> tunnel? Or do I have to replace NM with something else?  The latter 
> would not be my first choice.

I don't see why you couldn't use NM to set up basic connectivity and
then connect your VPN(s) via krdc/racoon/openswan/etc. Best bet is to
just give it a try. Keep details of what you install so that you can
'completely remove/purge' if it doesn't work.

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