Simple question - complicated answers

Jonathan Hirschman jonathan at
Wed Sep 26 15:16:48 UTC 2007

alex wrote:
> It's a little maddening to get answers  that dance all around a simple
> question.
> There's tons of information out there about the kernel and how to do
> things with it but all
> I want to do is see what the kernel looks like.
> Where can I take a look at the kernel?    Isn't there a direct path to it? 
> alex
Your question may seem simple, but it somewhat ambiguous and I don't 
completely understand exactly what it is you want to do.

How about: look in /boot. You'll find the actual kernel binary (look for 
a file starting with "vmlinuz"), plus a config file (starts with 
"config") that shows with what options it was created. Is this what you 


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