xorg.conf error

Tipton, Timothy Timothy.Tipton at pxd.com
Wed Sep 26 15:00:32 UTC 2007

>Hi Tim

>Are you trying to edit it as root? If not then that's likely your prob.
>ALT F2 and type "gksudo gedit" without the quotes of course. Or replace
>gedit with whatever text editor you're using. Then you should be able
>edit it, etc

Hi! Thanks for your response. I haven't opened up in terminal or
anything to edit it, is that what I should do? I was assuming it would
be best to use the actual NVIDIA settings (GUI) to make the changes...

Would I be better off to "reconfigure" X as a whole and go from there?
Or just open up terminal and do it command line style like you

I guess what's throwing me off, is I assumed the NVIDIA GUI would have
the ability to create/append/backup the current CONF. 

Thank you so much for your help!

PS. Anyone have an opinion as to the best editor to use in XFCE?

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