latest kernel update (7.04)

Tim M southern.tim at
Wed Sep 26 13:37:44 UTC 2007

> Any modules compiled and installed after the kernel will need to be
> recompiled when a new kernel slot is installed... I've run into that
> more times than I care to count...
> Jack

I am confused about modules, kernels and recompiling after an update. With
yesterday's kernel update ndiswrapper on my laptop stopped working so that I
have to run command lines to get online. I guess I should feel lucky because
my video is not effected. I posted this on linuxquestions and someone said I
needed to "You could try though to do: module-rebuild rebuild". I have
researched it a little and found that might be an option Gentoo but haven't
figured out how to do it in Ubuntu. Reinstalling ndiswrapper and installing
my wifi drivers is a real pain on the road and at times it is impossible. TM
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