ubuntu-users Digest, Vol 37, Issue 179

Richard Hanson rlhanson_01 at yahoo.com
Mon Sep 24 03:54:27 UTC 2007

In response to James comments, I'm attempting to download data files and packages from Web Sites on the Internet. When I try to download a 2 G package and the download box on the screen dissappears in a nanosecond I have to assume that there is a problem.

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Today's Topics:

   1. Re: v7.04 (NoOp)
   2. Re: Blank Screen: (Bill Marcum)
   3. Re: Blank Screen: (James Takac)
   4. Re: Screen goes blank loading X after upgrading memory
      (James Takac)
   5. Re: Tool for document management (David Symons)
   6. Re: Desktop Problems (James Takac)
   7. Re: only one instance of scite (text editor) (Charlie Kravetz)
   8. Gutsy refuses my CD-R (Mihamina (R12y) Rakotomandimby)
   9. Re: Desktop Problems (James Takac)
  10. Re: Blank Screen: (James Takac)
  11. Re: I lost My "/home" (email.listen at googlemail.com)


Message: 1
Date: Sun, 23 Sep 2007 16:35:50 -0700
From: NoOp 
Subject: Re: v7.04
To: ubuntu-users at lists.ubuntu.com
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

On 09/23/2007 04:29 PM, Ari Torhamo wrote:
> On su, 2007-09-23 at 11:18 -0700, NoOp wrote:
>> On 09/23/2007 09:23 AM, Ari Torhamo wrote:
>> > 
>> > The tool for formatting floppies in Gnome is called Gfloppy. You can
>> > start it from the command line simply by giving the command "gfloppy".
>> > You should be able to start it by going to Places -> Computer, right
>> > clicking the floppy drive icon and selecting "Format". If this menu item
>> > isn't available, as it seems to be in your case, then something has gone
>> > wrong with your installation (assuming that you have a floppy drive
>> > connected into your PC :-) 
>> > 
>> > You may have a look if you have the package gnome-utils installed.
>> > Gfloppy is a part of it. If the package is installed, you might try to
>> > re-install it and see if the "Format" menu item appears then.
>> > 
>> > 
>> > Regards,
>> > 
>> > Ari Torhamo
>> > 
>> > 
>> Does that work for you on Feisty 7.04? I'd be _very_ surprised if it does.
>> Doesn't on mine & while gfloppy is supposed to be in gnome-utils
>> (http://packages.ubuntu.com/feisty/gnome/gnome-utils), it was apparently
>> left out:
>> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-utils/+bug/107843
>> [I've been using kfloppy]
>> Also see:
>> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=456210
> You are right - I'm sorry for giving wrong information. I assumed that
> formating floppies in Feisty works the way I described, because to my
> remembering that's how I used to do it in some pre-Feisty versions of
> Ubuntu, and because that's how it's done now in Gutsy. Now when you
> raised this issue, I'm getting a little uncertain about how it was done
> before Feisty too :-/
> Ari

No worries. I only remembered it because I had the same problem and
contributed to the bug report.

For the OP:

$ sudo apt-get install kfloppy

Then go to Applications|Accessories|Kfloppy

it's easier than bothering with an new gnome-utilities and/or installing
gfloppy from the .tz.


Message: 2
Date: Mon, 24 Sep 2007 00:05:17 +0000 (UTC)
From: Bill Marcum 
Subject: Re: Blank Screen:
To: ubuntu-users at lists.ubuntu.com

On Sat, 22 Sep 2007 10:41:34 -0400, Walter G Carter 
> When trying to down load ubnutu from a CD as a Boot the program starts
> and after several screens of files downloaded the computer screen goes
> blank and nothing appears to continue.  
> The CD is being download on a Dell 2400 Dimension.  Will UBNUTU download
> on a dell program using windows xp?
> Thanks for any help:
> Walter
Are you saying the screen goes blank while downloading the CD, before
you burn it and boot it?  Could it be your screen saver? Try pressing
a key or moving the mouse every few minutes.

Bounders get bound when they are caught bounding.
  -- Ralph Lewin


Message: 3
Date: Mon, 24 Sep 2007 10:24:16 +1000
From: James Takac 

Subject: Re: Blank Screen:
To: "Ubuntu user technical support, not for general discussions"
Message-ID: <200709241024.16831.p3nndrag0n at gmail.com>
Content-Type: text/plain;  charset="iso-8859-1"

On Sunday 23 September 2007 00:41:34 Walter G Carter wrote:
> When trying to down load ubnutu from a CD as a Boot the program starts
> and after several screens of files downloaded the computer screen goes
> blank and nothing appears to continue.
> The CD is being download on a Dell 2400 Dimension.  Will UBNUTU download
> on a dell program using windows xp?
> Thanks for any help:
> Walter

Hi Walter

Is the Dell 2400 Dimension per chance a 64 bit pc, i.e. a core2 duo or 
similar? If so, you may find you'll need the alternate cd to install from



Message: 4
Date: Mon, 24 Sep 2007 10:31:19 +1000
From: James Takac 

Subject: Re: Screen goes blank loading X after upgrading memory
To: "Ubuntu user technical support, not for general discussions"
Message-ID: <200709241031.19239.p3nndrag0n at gmail.com>
Content-Type: text/plain;  charset="iso-8859-1"

On Monday 24 September 2007 04:17:38 Marcelino Luna wrote:
> James Takac wrote:
> > That leads me to think maybe your prob is ram related. How is your 1GB
> > installed? As 2 512MB sticks? If so, maybe one has a prob with it. Beyond
> > that I'm out of ideas
>     I have one 512MB DDR-333 and two 256MB DDR-266. I'm gonna ask for
> 266 memory on the shop.
>     I tested them during all last night with the mem test on the Ubuntu
> boot.
>     Cheers,
>        //.arce

Hi Arce

That could be the prob there. It's generally advised not to mix different ram 
speeds, etc so making sure they're all the same **might** fix things with any 


My mind fell like a hailstone into the vast expanse of Brahman's ocean. 
Touching one drop of it, I melted away and became one with Brahman. This is 
wonderful indeed! Here is the ocean of Brahman, full of endless joy. How can 
I accept or reject anything? Is there anything apart or distinct from 
Brahman? Now, finally and clearly, I know that I am the atman, whose nature 
is eternal joy. I see nothing. I hear nothing. I know nothing that is 
seperate from me. 



Message: 5
Date: Mon, 24 Sep 2007 10:41:05 +1000
From: "David Symons" 
Subject: Re: Tool for document management
To: "Ubuntu user technical support, not for general discussions"
 <6f1a4380709231741r4ac1f166k3bbf01448e3cd531 at mail.gmail.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

On 9/24/07, Steve Lamb  wrote:
> Hello,
>     I am looking for a tool to help me maintain a backup of a writing project.
> ...
>  o backup my work on a machine separate from the machine(s) I'll be working on.
>  o sync across multiple machines.
>  o handle non-text data as well as some textual data.  The main file that is
> going to change most often is an OOo document (odt).  I'll also be storing any
> related files including Mindmap files (mm) and Writer's Cafe files.
>  o version might be nice in case I want to back out of large portions of the
> document or refer to previous verbage I had removed and want to reconsider.
>  o must be accessible on Windows and Linux (Debian/KUbuntu)

Hi Steve,

"Unison" does a similar job for me very nicely.  Note that it does not
do versioning and that the same version of Unison needs to be
installed on each machine.

You can learn more about it at
http://www.cis.upenn.edu/~bcpierce/unison/.  The Ubuntu packages are
"unison" and "unison-gtk" (for the gui front-end).

Hope this helps, Dave.
David Symons
Canberra, Australia


Message: 6
Date: Mon, 24 Sep 2007 10:48:06 +1000
From: James Takac 

Subject: Re: Desktop Problems
To: "Ubuntu user technical support, not for general discussions"
Message-ID: <200709241048.06191.p3nndrag0n at gmail.com>
Content-Type: text/plain;  charset="utf-8"

On Monday 24 September 2007 07:44:16 Richard Hanson wrote:
> Ubuntu 7.04 Dell version
> Dell Inspiron 1420N
> I am unable to download any programs from the internet. The download box
> comes up but as soon as I hit the ok button everything just goes away. I am
> also unable to install program icons on my desktop. I think there is a
> kernel upgrade needed  for the ICH8 chipset.
Hi Richard

What are you trying to download and how. You make no mention here. Are you 
having probs downloading from websites via firefox for example? Is it that 
you're having probs with the update manager, etc.

When installing programs there are very few that will create a desktop icon in 
Ubuntu. I remember the Windows installs and how that would clutter the 
desktop. Most programs will go into your applications menu. Some wont by 
defualt show there so you may have to edit the menu via 
system->preferences->Main Menu and enable them. Alternately some don't show 
there at all and either need you to enable the Debian Menu (do a google 
for "how to install anything in ubuntu") and you'll find how, or may simplly 
be command line utilities you type in via a terminal window

If the prob is with your upgrades and such, you may need to change the server 
in system->administration-software sources



Message: 7
Date: Sun, 23 Sep 2007 18:51:49 -0600
From: Charlie Kravetz 
Subject: Re: only one instance of scite (text editor)
To: "Ubuntu user technical support, not for general discussions"
Message-ID: <1190595110.13781.4.camel at localhost>
Content-Type: text/plain

On Sun, 2007-09-23 at 17:15 +0200, WolfgangZ wrote:
> Hi,
> how can I force that only one instance of scite ist used when double 
> clicking on text files. It is annoying to get for each file a own 
> instance of scite.
> Many thanks
> Wolfgang
> PS: an other annoyance is that ALT+leftMouse moves the window. In scite 
> this is used to mark columns. Where is definded that this command moves 
> windows (a feature that I dont need).
I can't answer the scite question, but in Dapper (Ubuntu 6.06), using
Gnome desktop, going to System, Preferences, Windows lets you pick what
key to use to move the window. I recall seeing a similar selection in
Xfce desktop.

Charlie Kravetz
Linux Registered User Number 425914
Don't let anyone steal your dream!


Message: 8
Date: Mon, 24 Sep 2007 02:56:58 +0200
From: "Mihamina (R12y) Rakotomandimby"
Subject: Gutsy refuses my CD-R
To: ubuntu-users at lists.ubuntu.com
Message-ID: <46F70B5A.80507 at etu.univ-orleans.fr>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

I run Ubuntu, with XFCE: Xubuntu.
I use either Brasero or GnomeBaker to burn CDs.
I dont want to install Qt libs in order to have K3B.
I have a laptop, with an inernal CD RW + DVD RW DL burner.
The problem is that when I insert a CD-R (not RW), bith Brasero and 
GnomeBaker tell me the medium is not writable.
If I give it a CR-RW, it says it's writable and it burns Ok.

Would you know if this is a known bug?


Message: 9
Date: Mon, 24 Sep 2007 11:08:37 +1000
From: James Takac 

Subject: Re: Desktop Problems
To: "Ubuntu user technical support, not for general discussions"
Message-ID: <200709241108.37307.p3nndrag0n at gmail.com>
Content-Type: text/plain;  charset="iso-8859-1"

On Monday 24 September 2007 08:50:43 Mario Vukelic wrote:
> On Mon, 2007-09-24 at 00:33 +0200, Mario Vukelic wrote:
> > Also, ICH8 is not that new
> > anymore. Which Ubuntu version are you running?
> According to kerneltrap.org, ICH8 runs fine sine the 2.16.18 kernel.
> Ubuntu 7.04 (Feisty) uses 2.6.20 and should work, earlier versions (6.06
> (Dapper) uses 2.6.15, 6.10 (Edgy) uses 2.6.17) probably have serious
> problems with this chipset.

Hi Mario

I can vouch for ICH8 running fine on feisty. My other laptop has that chipset 
and runs flawlessly



Message: 10
Date: Mon, 24 Sep 2007 11:10:54 +1000
From: James Takac 

Subject: Re: Blank Screen:
To: "Ubuntu user technical support, not for general discussions"
Message-ID: <200709241110.54903.p3nndrag0n at gmail.com>
Content-Type: text/plain;  charset="iso-8859-1"

On Monday 24 September 2007 10:05:17 Bill Marcum wrote:
> On Sat, 22 Sep 2007 10:41:34 -0400, Walter G Carter
>    wrote:
> > When trying to down load ubnutu from a CD as a Boot the program starts
> > and after several screens of files downloaded the computer screen goes
> > blank and nothing appears to continue.
> > The CD is being download on a Dell 2400 Dimension.  Will UBNUTU download
> > on a dell program using windows xp?
> > Thanks for any help:
> > Walter
> Are you saying the screen goes blank while downloading the CD, before
> you burn it and boot it?  Could it be your screen saver? Try pressing
> a key or moving the mouse every few minutes.
> --
> Bounders get bound when they are caught bounding.
>   -- Ralph Lewin

Hi Bill

I think he means install instead of download. I wouldn't expect several 
screens during a download but during an install is more likely


"Truth lies within ourselves: it takes no rise from outward things, whatever 
you may believe. There is an inmost center in us all, where truth abides in 
fullness and to Know rather consists in opening out a way whence the 
imprisoned splendor may escape than in effecting entry for light supposed to 
be without." 

(Robert Browning)


Message: 11
Date: Mon, 24 Sep 2007 03:24:14 +0200
From: email.listen at googlemail.com
Subject: Re: I lost My "/home"
To: ubuntu-users at lists.ubuntu.com
Message-ID: <200709240324.18797.email.listen at googlemail.com>
Content-Type: text/plain;  charset="iso-8859-1"

Am So, 23. September 2007 00:25:11 schrieb jim barnes:
> On Saturday 22 September 2007 14:30:49 email.listen at googlemail.com wrote:
> > Hi Jim
> >
> > Am Sa, 22. September 2007 17:58:24 schrieb jim barnes:
> > > On Saturday 22 September 2007 07:57:54 Suhendri wrote:
> > > > Hi All..
> > > >
> > > > My Desktop was ubuntu-edgy installed. I've splitted my harddisk to 3
> > > > partitions, as /, /home and swap file.
> > >
> > > 
> > >
> > > > Please help me how to solve my problem.... So i can get all of our
> > > > files on /home folder..
> > >
> > > I gather you repartitioned after installing to separate /home to its
> > > own partition? If so, I would proceed cautiously something like this:
> > >
> > > mount                         # to list present mount points
> > > sudo umount /home  # now you have access to your /home files, check!
> > > sudo mkdir /newhome        # because you can only have one /home at a
> > > time sudo mount /dev/xxxx /newhome  # using info from the mount command
> > > above sudo cp -a /home/* /newhome      # make sure directories match
> > > after copy!
> >
> > Shouldn't it be mv and not cp?
> I've gotten in the habit of copying, something gets borked along the way
> and you've still got your source files.
> > Or a:
> >  rm -r /home/*
> > is missing here, isn't it?
> >
> > > sudo umount /newhome
> > > sudo mount /dev/xxxx /home        # now /home is where is you want it
> >
> > You copied the files from /home/ to /newhome but you dindn't delete the
> > old files in /home/!
> As I understand, the old/home is now free disk space if needed, and will be
> overwritten in time.
Not if you only copy data from /home/* to /newhome :)
> I welcome any corrections if my logic needs adjusting!

The answer you gave is a typical 'pithole' and one of my nasty examples I like 
to have in tests. (asking for the result of deleting /boot/vmlinux* is 
another one)

- you copy files to a new home partition 
- don't delete the content of the old /home 
- mount the new partition to /home 
  (the one you mounted to /newhome in your example)
- this will not free the disk space and btw. has an irritating side effect:
  ? you don't see the files left in the old /home directory anymore
  ? and more irritationg you will not have more available diskspace for the
    partition where the old /home is placed
    (NB. We used this in the past to 'hide' data by doing so)

You may try the folowing example (e.g. with an USB-Stick)
- make a directory called /mnt/testdir
   sudo mkdir /mnt/testdir

- put a file into this directory:
   sudo touch /mnt/testdir/testfile

- check if this file exists:
   ls /mnt/testdir/testfile
  It will show:

- plug in an USB-Stick and check it's mount point:
  You will see a list of mounted partitions (devices) and the last line listed 
  is the usb-stick starting with:
   /dev/sdc1 on /media/USB DISK type vfat ... ... 
  We will need what is in the 1st, 3rd and 5th collumn later on
  (the /media directory says that it is a removable media)

- un-mount the usb-stick:
   sudo umount /dev/sdc1 

- mount the usb-stick to /mnt/testdir:
   sudo mount /dev/sdc1 -t vfat /mnt/testdir

And now the AHA-Effect!

- list the content of /mnt/testdir
  ls -al /mnt/testdir
  And, voilla, there is no file called testfile anymore!
  It's still there but 'covered' by the mounted usb-stick partition

- We will see this if we unmount the stick and list it's content:
   sudo umount /mnt/testdir
   ls -al /mnt/testdir
  And we see the file named testfile again!

This effect above is exactly what you will see after copying the /home/ 
content to /newhome and not deleting the content left in /home/!

All content which is left in the /home directory is 'covered' by the 
mounted /dev/xxxx 



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End of ubuntu-users Digest, Vol 37, Issue 179

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