windows software under ubuntu

Gilles Gravier Gilles at
Tue Sep 25 09:06:50 UTC 2007

I use Crossover Office from (it's a 
commercial offering, but available with a try and buy).

It runs some native Windows apps very well... including things liek 
World of Warcraft (which runs, on identical hardware, faster in 
Crossover Office over Ubuntu than on Windows). :)


John Bowden wrote:
> On Monday 24 September 2007 10:40:55 Jack Knight wrote:
>> Knowsgrace at wrote:
>>> I am considering installing ubuntu on my pc.   Can Windows software
>>> run under ubuntu?   Where do I find the documentation?
>>> Regards,
>>> Alan
>> Before embarking on this course, I suggest you see if there are native
>> linux applications  which will do the jobs for you - take a look at this
>> website:
>> ftware
>> If there are no suitable equivalents for the software you wish to run, I
>> recommend VirtualBox, which from version 1.5 also includes built-in
>> "seamless" windows so that you can run windows applications under a
>> virtual machine and have them look like native Linux apps.
> Tell us what windoz software you would like to run on linux 

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