php module for apache not working

Mihamina (R12y) Rakotomandimby mihamina.rakotomandimby at
Mon Sep 24 19:20:02 UTC 2007

Njoku, George O. wrote:
> I got mine running like this...

And you are not newbie. The OP may be one.

> Download Apache source
> Download PHP Source
> Compile and make PHP source,

Do you thin a newbie would understand that?

> Compile make and make install apache with 'php' options to point at php
> source

Do you thin a newbie would understand that?

> That way Apache will be built with PHP interpreter module

Did the OP complain about a PHP interpreter problem? He has not been 
able to restart Apache. That should have been the problem you bring a 
solution to.

I asked him to 'netstat -taupe' before. Did you even try see if woul 
point some port binding problem? No. And you are talking about the 
others are newbies. Pffft... ass hole.

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