php module for apache not working

H.S.Rai hardeep.rai at
Mon Sep 24 14:35:24 UTC 2007

On 9/24/07, Nik <nik at> wrote:

>    H.S.Rai <hardeep.rai at> wrote:
> > But webserver is running, and I am able to access static HTML pages.
> > What could be problem?
> Do you also have Apache (ie version 1) installed - maybe they're both
> trying to run?

No. There is only Apache2.

However, I tried to install Apache1, after removing Apache2, it
restarts without any error. Howevrer, php module required for it, was
not there. So, I again installed Apache2, after removing Apache1.

I ran similar set on many other similar computer earlier, without
facing any problem.


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