windows software under ubuntu

debian debiani386 at
Mon Sep 24 02:08:37 UTC 2007

Tim M wrote:
> On 9/22/07, *Knowsgrace at <mailto:Knowsgrace at>* 
> <Knowsgrace at <mailto:Knowsgrace at>> wrote:
>     I am considering installing ubuntu on my pc.   Can Windows
>     software run under ubuntu?   Where do I find the documentation?
>     Regards,
>     Alan
> do some research on wine
> Tim
Natively, that is with out any additional software, ubuntu and other 
forms of linux can not run windows software. but there is a program 
released for ubuntu users (as well as other linux users) that gives your 
ubuntu the capability to run windows software.

the program is called "wine" and it can be downloaded and installed by 
typing the following in the ubuntu terminal:

sudo apt-get install wine

For a list of software compatible with wine, visit:

Hope this helps

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