I lost My "/home"

Joel Bryan Juliano joelbryan.juliano at gmail.com
Sun Sep 23 09:38:15 UTC 2007

On 9/22/07, Suhendri <demang at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi All..
>  My Desktop was ubuntu-edgy installed. I've splitted my harddisk to 3
> partitions, as /, /home and swap file.
>  Since yesterday morning i cannot logging in to my desktop.. The system
> looks normal from startup to logon screen appear.
>  So i start boot my desktop with recovery mode, i found this weirdness :
>  cannot initialize /etc/mtab
>  after logon using terminal mode using root password, seems everything OK.
> but when i changed directory to /home, that folder empty.. I shocked.. cause
> all of my files and the others users on that folder...
>  i tried to ls /etc/mtab, but the response is ls: mtab input/output error
>  i tried to ls -l /etc and the response for mtab is : ?--------- ? ? ? ? ?
> mtab
>  Please help me how to solve my problem.... So i can get all of our files on
> /home folder..

I suspect that your partition is broken in some way (static
electricity damage?), try logging in under single user mode or use a
LiveCD, and fix your partition using e2fsck.

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