Keyboard strangeness in Gnome

SteVe Cook yorvik.ubunto at
Sat Sep 22 13:49:30 UTC 2007

Michael wrote:
> Hi,
> I´m running Feisty, and despite installing 7.04 with an Ubuntu disk
> have otherwise been using KDE pretty much exclusively.
> Today I booted into Gnome, and made the necessary adjustment in 
> Preferences > Keyboard for my current layout -- Generic 105-key
> (Intl) PC/United Kingdom International (with dead keys).
> However, I now find that apparently without any additional
> adjustments, the Tilda and Circumflex keys need to be pressed twice
> to register their character. Likewise  the Single and Double-quote
> keys, which instead register a slanted single-quote mark and an
> umlaut respectively.
> Presumably this is part of a system to facilitate accented
> characters, but how do I turn it off ;) ?
> Regards,
> Michael
I had this and had to edit xorg.conf to overcome it

Section "InputDevice"
  	Identifier "Generic Keyboard"
  	Driver "kbd"
  	Option "CoreKeyboard"
  	Option "XkbRules" "xorg"
  	Option "XkbModel" "pc105"
  	Option "XkbLayout" "gb"


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