
Mike McMullin mwmcmlln at
Fri Sep 21 04:21:56 UTC 2007

On Thu, 2007-09-20 at 21:11 +0200, Markus Schönhaber wrote:
> Wulfy wrote:
> > While this is true, I have yet to see any e-mail malware attachments 
> > that can run in a Linux environment.  They all seem to be aimed at 
> > Windows. 
> > 
> > Have I just been lucky?  Have you seen any Linux malware?  While it 
> > *could* exist, *I* have never seen any, though I've only been using 
> > Linux since Sarge was Debian Testing,,,
> I haven't yet come into contact with Linux-targeted malware and I don't
> think there's much of it (if any) out there.
> But just to make the point of my previous post clear once more: the
> fact(?) that *today* there's almost no danger of getting an email with
> Linux malware  attached should *not* lead to the conclusion "Hey, I'm on
> Linux! I'm safe! I run everything that doesn't escape my mouse pointer
> in time!".
> It surely will take a long time until there also are a gazillion of
> viruses, worms etc. for Linux as there are for Windows. But there's need
> for a gazillion. *One* *single* piece of malware you blindly execute
> because you're oh so safe might trash your data, empty your bank account
> or whatever.
> No-one knows when some guy gets the idea that it might be fun and worth
> the effort to write something that destroys the home directory of a
> Linux user and spread it via mail or put it on a website and declare it
> as "Linux binary" of the latest and greatest game which won't run on
> Linux otherwise or ...
> Regards
>   mks

  Also note that it isn't just e-mail anymore, Web Browsers are now
vectors for malware and can be OS agnostic due to coding.

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