Changing Default Behaviour - Nautilus Symbolic Links

Amichai Rotman amichai at
Thu Sep 20 07:48:36 UTC 2007

Hello All,

I am re-organizing my media collection, so I have put all the files in one
location organized by the ABC (similar to the hierarchy found at FTP file
collections) and then create categories (like: Video, Music Video Clips
etc.) and creating symbolic links to the actual files under those

I would like to  do two things:

A simple script to create the hierarchy (1 folder called '0-9' and a
separate folder for each alphabet letter, 27 folder in total)
A way to cancel the 'Link to' prefix to the symlinks - I just want it to
have the emblem with the arrow. For now, I rename the link by deleting the
prefix, and it seems stupid to me - I am sure there's a setting for it



Amichai Rotman

UIN#: 6401746
Registered Linux User#: 201192 []
Registered Ubuntu User #12851 []




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