Mounting a MacOS hard disk on a Ubuntu machine?

Gilles Gravier Gilles at
Wed Sep 19 21:48:45 UTC 2007

My problem is solved in a different manner. The disk is physically dead 
(doesn't start spinning)... :(

Thanks to all who provided answers!


Brian McKee wrote:
> On 19/09/2007, Gilles Gravier <Gilles at> wrote:
>> Hi!
>> Anybody try this? I have a MacOS hard disk (in a USB case)... I need to
>> get some files off of the disk. Know if Ubuntu will be able to do that?
> Assuming you mean OS *X* - default HFS+ then it will work fine.
> (There's a UFS option nobody uses I don't know much about)
> If the source disk was formatted in Tiger (and Panther?, I forget
> which Panther used) it will be *journalled* HFS+ which Ubuntu will
> mount read-only, since it can't update the journal correctly.   If you
> need read-write then use the Tiger machine's Disk Utility to turn off
> journalling on that drive.
> Older OSX (Jaguar etc) will mount read-write as they are HFS+ without
> the journal.
> OS9 and older are HFS and that will mount read-write too (if I
> remember correctly - it's been a bit)
> If you trip over a partition with just a readme file in it, that's the
> HFS portion of an HFS+ partition, just move along.
> Incidentally, if you own a Mac formatted iPod that's why it doesn't
> work under linux - it won't mount read-write as iTunes formats it HFS+
> journalled.    If you use a Windows machine to format it though, it'll
> still work fine on the Mac, and work fine under linux too.
> Brian

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