Network I/O

Bart Silverstrim bsilver at
Wed Sep 19 20:42:33 UTC 2007

David Vincent wrote:
> Nils Kassube wrote:
>> Bart Silverstrim wrote:
>>> Is there a utility that can report, preferably realtime, how much
>>> network traffic is flowing to and from a particular process ID?
>> Maybe ntop is what you are looking for.
>> Nils
> ntop won't correlate with process ids but it will give you a breakdown 
> on what types of traffic are flowing to and from a particular host.
> for example it will tell you how much web traffic you are doing but 
> won't be able to tell you how much is from firefox vs opera if you are 
> running both on a machine at the same time.

That's okay, I try running it and then it dies on me without any error 
logs being left... :-(


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