"watchdog" for a process?

David Restall - System Administrator dave at restall.net
Wed Sep 19 19:20:20 UTC 2007


> Is there a quick and short script, maybe something that can be run in 
> Cron, that will look at the process list and if a process has been 
> killed or had died will restart the process?

Have a look at <http://www.tildeslash.com/monit/> - then :-

sudo apt-get install monit

if it's what you want.

IIRC there was something else I used many years ago but can't remember
what it was - my brain is fading with age :-(


ubuntu/users-2007-09-19.tx                     ubuntu-users
                                               bsilver at chrononomicon.com
| Dave Restall, Computer Nerd, Cyclist, Radio Amateur G4FCU, Bodger          |
| Mob +44 (0) 7973 831245      Skype: dave.restall             Radio: G4FCU  |
| email : dave at restall.net                     Web : Not Ready Yet :-(       |
| Nothing is but what is not.                                                |

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