Firefox on Ubuntu displays different from Firefox on WinXP

Alex Janssen alex at
Wed Sep 19 03:00:48 UTC 2007

NoOp said the following on 09/17/2007 07:36 PM:
> On 09/17/2007 04:25 PM, NoOp wrote:
>> On 09/16/2007 09:11 PM, NoOp wrote:
>>> Complain to the webmaster.
>> Just to followup... I checked over on the SeaMonkey group and found out
>> that if you go to you'll likely find that the
>> dropdown menus on Adobe's own site get hidden behind their Flash.
>> A few links were provided (which I've not had time to follow up with yet):
>> <>
>> <>
>> BTW: I've even removed all flash and reinstalled the version from Adobe.
>> The problem still occurs. Not sure yet if this is a Mozilla problem or
>> Adobe flash problem.
>> Gary
> Found the mozilla but report. It indicates that this is an Adobe problem
> & that Adobe are aware of it:
> one of the recent entries:
> <quote>
> Robert O'Callahan   2007-07-29 15:39:36 PDT
> Adobe wants to fix it. They had received a lot of user feedback and in
> fact were pressuring us to fix our side (which we have done). So don't
> annoy them please.
> What KHTML does is a partial solution. It's not going to happen for 1.9
> although we will be able to do it after that.
> </quote>
> If their own website displays this issue, then I'm
> all for 'annoying them' via proper bug report on their system... now I
> just have to find where it is.
I've been trying to figure this out for months(casually).  It sure would 
be nice to see it resolved.  Is it Firefox or is it Flash ... only their 
programmers know for sure.

 If you ate pasta and anti pasta, would you still be hungry? -George Carlin (132)

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