barebones laptop

Default User xyzzyx at
Tue Sep 18 19:51:23 UTC 2007

On Tue, 2007-09-18 at 13:28 -0400, Scott wrote:
> Default User wrote:
> > Does it have built-in wireless, or did you have to add an adapter?
> It came with built-in wireless.
> > And
> > was wireless up and running "out of the box", or did you have to do
> > some sort of tinkering to get it working?
> I did need to do tinkering (use ndiswrapper), but after the tinkering my 
> wireless works perfectly.
> -- 
> Your friend,
> Scott
> Sent to you from a Linux computer using Ubuntu Version 7.04 (Feisty Fawn)

Scott, thanks for the info.  Sorry to hear that you had to use
ndiswraper.  Someday, maybe the things we spend hard earned money on
will actually work correctly.  Yeah, right.

Derek, the Netgear WG511T cardbus adapter was purchased this year
(2007). The box says (c) 2006, and it says Atheros right on the back of
the box.  It uses a restricted driver (ugh!), ath_pci, provided by
Ubuntu Feisty even before installation. Indeed, Ubuntu was installed BY

Needless to say, I worship and protect the adapter like a fickle god,
and face toward it to pray 5 times daily, lest I incur its
displeasure . . . 

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