
Derek Broughton news at
Tue Sep 18 14:16:38 UTC 2007

Mihamina (R12y) Rakotomandimby wrote:

> Liam Proven wrote:
>>> rpm - dpkg
>>> apt - yum(fedora)/urpmi(mandriva)/yast(suse)
>> I disagree. There is no benefit at all in distinguishing between the
>> end-user tools used to manipulate packages, because there are dozens.
>> Both apt and dpkg are package tools, as are aptitude, synaptic,
>> kpackage and many others.
> Nope. apt cant be used without dpkg.
> It's a layer matter.


Liam's right.  There's no benefit, unless your aim is confusion, to
distinguishing between apt and dpkg.  The underlying architecture is
the .deb file.

And, I'm not at all convinced that you will find apt "can't be used without
dpkg".  Many of the package managers are front-ends for apt-get (NOT apt),
and apt-get is a front-end for dpkg.  However they all ultimately depend on
libapt, and aiui not all package managers ever invoke dpkg.

> Huge debate then. My POV is definitely not yours...

It's hardly huge :-)  It's a tiny little dispute about terminology.

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