restoring default ownerships/permissions: was networking prob

Dave Woyciesjes woyciesjes at
Mon Sep 17 18:56:31 UTC 2007

James Takac wrote:
> On Sunday 16 September 2007 10:53:23 Steve Flynn wrote:
>> On 15/09/2007, James Takac <p3nndrag0n at> wrote:
>>> think I originally messed up installing a 2nd hard drive. Everything
>>> appeared
>>> fine until I noticed I couldn't get one system to get an address from the
>>> router. I believe the orginal prob was caused by
>>> sudo chown -R USERNAME:USERNAME /
>>> however I thought maybe trying to return the root partion to root ownship
>>> and
>>> perissions,  i.e. the above but root in place of username which appears
>>> to have meseed it up a lil further
>> Ouch. This installation is now hosed. In trying to recover this you're
>> going to spend a lot of time for little gain and have no confidence that
>> the permissions are correct when you finish.
>> Save yourself pain, stick in an install CD and reinstall from scratch.
> Hi Guys.
> K, am getting the picture. Can xfer data to 2nd hard drive before reinstalling 
> then. May as well go that way
> James

	In the process of getting rather frustrated trying up upgrade CentOS 
4.5 to 5, and deciding to give up and flip that box to Ubuntu; I' found 
a very good option for the chown command...


--- Dave Woyciesjes
--- ICQ# 905818
--- AIM - woyciesjes

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