fetchmail exis status 1 - Only few emails are getting retrieved.

Dilip M dilip.mahadevappa at gmail.com
Mon Sep 17 11:39:54 UTC 2007

On 9/17/07, Hal Burgiss <hal at burgiss.net> wrote:

> You've told the server to 'keep' old mails. If you want to download
> *all* mails (and remove from server) use 'nokeep fetchall'. Otherwise,
> I believe you will only download any mails since the last retrieval.

I want to keep all emails kept in server. and download a copy to local
box. Hence, I use that option.

fetchall option will retrieve both old (seen) and new messages from
the mailserver.

In my case, fetchmail is successful in downloading 700 out of 3000 emails.


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