barebones laptop (was:Re: Apple or Ubuntu)

Eberhard Roloff tuxebi at
Mon Sep 17 10:50:14 UTC 2007


Richard Bennett wrote:
> I guess people customize MacOSX to work for them, but out of the box I
> can't agree that it 'just works' all that much better than any other OS.
> So I have now ordered a barebones PC laptop from
> and don't have to pay for OSX or Windows - should have done that from the  
> start.
> Cheers,
> Richard

Just out of curiosity.

What is the advantage of a barebones laaptop like this?

Out of interest, I filled in the basics that a "normal" laptop nowadays
offers and, no surprise, I am at $1450 and more, Operating system and
office excluded.

Is this a good deal?

Kind regards

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