email clients

Liam Proven lproven at
Sun Sep 16 14:00:57 UTC 2007

On 16/09/2007, Steve Lamb <grey at> wrote:
> Liam Proven wrote:
> [ Snip description of selecting address whence to send ]
> > The only caveat I can think of is that I am not sure that this
> > selection also changes the SMTP server that it uses.
>      I don't see why it should not.  Each account has an SMTP server
> associated with it.  Each personality, IE an address independent of an
> account, has an an SMTP server associated with it as well.  That would
> indicate to me that such a switch would indeed occur.

I have not tested this exhaustively, but when travelling with a
laptop, I have encountered problems with this which suggested that
T'bird wasn't correctly changing SMTP servers. I don't have a variety
of SMTP servers available to me to test against, but this should be
easy to verify experimentally!

Liam Proven • Profile:
Email: lproven at • GMail/GoogleTalk/Orkut: lproven at
Tel: +44 20-8685-0498 • Cell: +44 7939-087884 • Fax: + 44 870-9151419
AOL/AIM/iChat: liamproven at • MSN/Messenger: lproven at
Yahoo: liamproven at • Skype: liamproven • ICQ: 73187508

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