Packaging question

Gerald Dachs ubuntu at
Sat Sep 15 20:34:10 UTC 2007

Am Sat, 15 Sep 2007 15:55:43 -0400
schrieb "Peter (Ubuntu List)" <ubuntu at>:

> The old version has a version as 1:2.1.1, my version is a 2.2 but
> because of the 1: in front of the earlier version that one seems to be
> preferred.

In rpm packages the Number before the ":" is the epoch, I am not
sure how it is named in debian packages. But it seems to be the same,
look here in
paragraph 5.6.12. You have to use the same
epoch and a higher version or a higher epoch for you package, to get
choosen. If you don't use the epoch, then it is 0 and is not shown.

Hope this helps

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