Packaging question

Peter (Ubuntu List) ubuntu at
Sat Sep 15 19:55:43 UTC 2007

If I post this question in the wrong list please tell me where to ask
the question :)

I created an update package and it install perfectly but for one thing.
If I install an earlier version, my package won't show up as an update.
It's the first time this has happened. I believe I know why it doesn't
but I don't know how to fix it :)

The old version has a version as 1:2.1.1, my version is a 2.2 but
because of the 1: in front of the earlier version that one seems to be

In the debian/control file I added the line:
Replaces: package ( << 1:2.1.2)
Result was no update

Changed it to:
Replaces: package ( << 1:2.1.1)
Result was no Update

Changed it to:
Replaces: package ( <= 1:2.1.2)
Result was no update

So what do I need to do to make my package be seen as an update?

Peter van der Does

GPG key: E77E8E98
IRC: Ganseki on

GetDeb Package Builder

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