[opensuse] vote on Lenovo
Liam Proven
lproven at gmail.com
Sat Sep 15 16:29:29 UTC 2007
On 15/09/2007, Clint Tinsley <clintin at linuxmail.org> wrote:
> This posting came off the opensuse list but should be of interest to other distro users as Levona has requested a "vote" on what distribution they might "standardize" on for their laptops. Here is there plea "If you love Mandriva and want to support it, please vote for us now!"
> Has to be a tough situation for Lenova, probably a pandora's box. I was Mandrake (now Mandriva) user for a while and I am still on their list(s) so I am getting email from them urging that I "vote" for Mandrake on Lenova laptops. Too bad that LSB (Linux Standards Base, choose your version) has not really caught fire so that hardware level drivers could be "cross distribution."
> IMO, Lenova could pick from the leading 3 or 4 distros (which last I checked didn't include Mandriva) and still not pick "a winner." As for me, I won't be voting, and right now, I am kind of partial to Sabayon desktop (Gentoo based) which is #5 on Distrowatch but I give real high marks to Ubuntu, Fedora, and OpenSUSE (Not SLED because of various concerns which I won't go into here).
> Not relevant to the conversation but incase anyone is interested, being a Novell CNE, I went with OpenSUSE almost couple of years ago as my desktop of choice and have stayed with it but that doesn't mean Ubuntu isn't an equal or better on the desktop. All my servers run Ubuntu (LTS). Mandrake/Mandriva, I quit going there and haven't found a reason to go back. Digressing...
Much as I love Ubuntu, frankly, an OEM bundling Linux ought to be
picking one that includes support for MP3, DVD playback etc. out of
the box.
My recommendation would probably be Xandros: like Ubuntu, it's Debian
underneath, but it includes all the proprietary bells & whistles and
has niceties like integration with ActiveDirectory, built-in Crossover
Office and so on.
It installs and runs quite nicely on my old Thinkpad i1200 series,
which Ubuntu 6.10 and 7.04 won't even boot on, no matter how much I
fiddle with irqpoll, noacpi, acpi=off and suchlike kernel parameters.
The Ubuntu kernels boot, find the IDE controllers, find the USB
controller - and hang, hard, big-red-switch level hard.
Liam Proven • Profile: http://www.linkedin.com/in/liamproven
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