restoring default ownerships/permissions: was networking prob

Mario Vukelic mario.vukelic at
Sat Sep 15 14:08:21 UTC 2007

On Sat, 2007-09-15 at 23:24 +1000, James Takac wrote:
> Thx for the reply. Well, so far I have the system back where it was before my 
> first email, i.e. for now the only thing not actually working is the 
> networking (afaik) which I believe is still an ownership/permission problem. 

There is a difference between "working" and "working securely and as
intended" :) 

> Any advice on where or how one might start?

Something like this could get you started. It lists all non-root dir and
file ownership on the good machines. Then you can compare the broken

sudo ls -laRF  / | grep  -v "root root" > $HOME/permissions.txt

It would be neater if it filtered out the non-matching dirs/files, but I
didn't manage.

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