Why does Firestarter not start on boot?

Nik nik at gare.org
Thu Sep 13 05:23:54 UTC 2007

In article <o9olr4-vad.ln1 at pointerstop.ca>,
   Derek Broughton <news at pointerstop.ca> wrote:
> Nik wrote:

> > In article <46E2763A.3080108 at ntlworld.com>,
> >    Graham Watkins <shellycat.gw at ntlworld.com> wrote:
> >> I've added it to start up services but it doesn't make any difference.
> > 
> >> It worked OK with Dapper but now I've installed Feisty, I can only start
> >> it manually which is a pain.
> > 
> >> Anybody else had this problem and managed to solve it?
> > 
> > Why would you want it to start at boot?

> Because you start services, that may listen to the net, on boot? 
> Actually, I agree with you in principle - it shouldn't actually start
> from the boot scripts. A firewall should be restarted whenever a network
> connection is made, which means you'd want a script in
> /etc/network/if-pre-up.d/ (if possible) or .../if-up.d/, but it should
> certainly start before you log in to X. -- derek

But firestarter isn't the firewall, it's just a gui front end to the real
firewall which is iptables. 


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