Evolution or Thunderbird

NoOp glgxg at sbcglobal.net
Wed Sep 12 18:25:25 UTC 2007

On 09/11/2007 01:05 PM, Damien Hull wrote:
> Looks like "filtering" is working. I still would like to know what email
> client people use. Evolution or Thunderbird?

As others have already told you, Thunderbird is indeed supported. To
answer your question:

I use SeaMonkey for email & browsing (http://www.mozilla.org/ -
http://www.mozilla.org/projects/seamonkey/), have Thunderbird
installed, but use it mostly for testing, and use Evolution (wife's
email is setup on Evo & I use the calendaring features regularly).

Evolution's calendaring features are considerably more sophisticated
than the Thunderbird calendar plugins. In addition you can easily add
holidays and other external .ics files, example (from a post of mine
about 6 months ago):

As everyone knows, Ubuntu includes the Evolution email/calendar client.
Perhaps many simply ignore the email client part (I do for the most
part, I use SeaMonkey, except when testing or for setting up my wife's
email & I like it more each time I do something on it), and maybe
occasionally only use the calendar client that sits in the Gnome Panel
telling you the date & time.

Anyway, I wanted to set up the calendar so that it would show US
holidays. Nothing in the help section so I did a bit of Google'ing &
found the following thread at linuxquestions.org:

 I know of one possibility
add a new "Web Calender" with the following address


for UK holidays. For US holidays and other calenders check out:


Evolution supports the ICS format.

Good luck.

I found that using that advise & linking to the specific URL in:
the US holidays (including Daylight Savings Time announcements) are
easily added.

In Evolution:

- File|New|Calendar
  - Type: On The Web
   - Name: whatever you want - perhaps "Holidays"
    - URL: webcal:// [1]
     - OK
In the left Calendar panel:

- Select: On the Web
 - Tick the box for your new "Holidays" calendar & it will also be
available in your "On This Computer" Personal calendar as well.

[1] Right click on the particular calendar that you are interested in
can copy the URL - in my case it was the US Holidays, so right clicking
produces: webcal://ical.mac.com/ical/US32Holidays.ics
Paste that into the Evolution URL box & off you go. Note: Clicking on
"more" at the end of the holiday list provides
http://www.apple.com/macosx/features/ical/library/holidays.html which
provides many other world holidays that can be added.

So... If that Date/Time calendar button is going to sit in your Gnome
tray anyway, you might want to put it to some use & add some features to
it. With this added, even if you don't want to use the full Evolution
calendar features, the Gnome panel standard month calendar dropdown when
you click on the day/date button box will now bold dates that have

So, actually you can use whatever suits you, including multiple programs.

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