Problem of booting

Velix Wibowo v31ixw at
Wed Sep 12 13:22:33 UTC 2007

Hi All,

I have a problem of booting up the latest version of ubuntu linux. Today, i
have been started to install the linux on my machine. Then, the system warns
me to take the CD out to prevent a live CD running rather than the current
installed one. Until that point, the problem starts when i was booting up my
computer to run linux on my machine. After a few seconds, this message comes

Booting from local disk...
GRUB Loading stage1.5.

GRUB loading, please wait...
Error 18

The message above stays there forever. Then i was trying to open up my BIOS
by restarting my computer again. However, i can't open it suddenly, and the
system says an error of my system. I feel desperate about this and right
now, i just can rely on my live CD to be able to send this e-mail to all of
you. If someone knows how to solve it, could you please let me know
immediately? Thank you.


Velix Wibowo
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