Evolution or Thunderbird

Steve Lamb grey at dmiyu.org
Wed Sep 12 09:02:10 UTC 2007

On Wed, 2007-09-12 at 01:51 -0700, Steve Lamb wrote:
> Of course can I find a way to thread the message index?  
> Not readily.  Meh.

    Har, did a Google search and then got slapped in the face with where
it was.  Of course if I recall correctly I can't set the wordwrap the
way I like, Trash is not able to be set to what I want and it has an
annoying habit of moving spam into a Junk folder without letting me
specify the folder.

    I will admit it seems to be comfortable so those are more quirks
than show stoppers.  I mean its Trash folder should be accessible from
other clients and I can always have my cron job check the Junk folder
instead of the spam folder.

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