Ubuntu Gnome

Gunawan jgun98.milis at gmail.com
Wed Sep 12 01:52:49 UTC 2007

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Mario Vukelic" <mario.vukelic at dantian.org>
To: "Ubuntu user technical support,not for general discussions" 
<ubuntu-users at lists.ubuntu.com>
Sent: Wednesday, September 12, 2007 1:00 AM
Subject: Re: Ubuntu Gnome

> On Tue, 2007-09-11 at 17:35 +0700, Gunawan wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I believe that ubuntu using gnome.
> By default, yes
>> 1. I think gnome binary/program save on /usr/bin folder, is that correct?
> Gnome packages save their files in many places (as is customary in
> Unix-like systems), but the binaries are generally placed in /usr/bin,
> yes.
>> 2. Can I make ubuntu boot to textmode or command line rather than to
>> graphical user interface?
> Yes. Anthony has already explained how in the other reply. I would
> recommend that you leave the default runlevel 2 alone, so that you
> always have one that works, and just edit runlevel three. Then you can
> make grub boot into 2 or 3, and even change it later while the system is
> already running.
> You can also run Gnome, and switch to different text consoles with Alt
> +Ctrl+F1, Alt+Ctrl+F2, ... Alt+Ctrl+F6. Alt+Ctrl+F7 brings you back to
> Gnome.
>> 3. Can I call gnome from the command line where I think gnome is just a
>> program, desktop environment program?
> Not gnome alone, since gnome needs the X Window System to run. But you
> can use the command startx, which will read the settings it needs
> from /home/<user>/.xsession
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Startx
> You can also start the graphical login screen, gdm, as Anthony
> explained , and log in from there.
>> 4. In windows, Windows 3.x family we can call windows by issue C:\>win, 
>> Can
>> I make ubuntu like this?
> See 3
>>     go to desktop environment in need?
> The easiest way to do this is just start gdm. There, click the "Options"
> menu and choose the desktop environmen ("session") you need (as long as
> it was installed with Ubuntu packages)
>> 5. I would like to try install xfce on my ubuntu just for study, can I do
>> that?
> Sure, just install xubuntu-desktop from the Synaptic package manager.
> You can also follow Anthony's advice for just running xfce4, without
> additional stuff
>> 6. If I extract xfce tar ball on /tmp folder, can I delete them after
>> instalation?
> Note that /tmp in Ubuntu is not a real on-disk filesystem and will be
> deleted when you reboot.
> It sounds like you want to compile xfce yourself. You can do that of
> course, but
>      * If you just want to try xfce, just install it from Ubuntu
>      * If you really want to compile yourself, just download the Ubuntu
>        source packages and compile them using apt-source. This way you
>        save yourself a lot of work, and the software will be perfectly
>        integrated in Ubuntu afterwards
>      * It doesn't really matter where you perform your compiles as long
>        as you remember to stay away from system directories. Remember
>        that compiling does not need root privileges. Just the last
>        step, installing, does. And remember that /tmp gets deleted
>> 7. What is XServer and what XServer do?
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X_window_system

Thank you Anthony and Mario for the Reply.
2. I am not sure about this. What is run level? is it similar to boot.ini at 
C drive on Windows System?
    Would you please give a little bit detail instruction to change it?
    I agree that I should have to option either boot on GDM (What is GDM 
stand for, is it Graphical Desktop Manager?)
    or on text mode.

6. I think I made mistake by downloading source tar ball. I have no idea how 
to using it :)
    I have to search again in xfce website.

I have to download installation file because I have no internet connection 
on PC I installed Ubuntu.

Another think is, I have seen a program just like Norton Commander ini 
I think it called mc, I don't know what mc stand for and where to download 
the program.

TIA for your reply.

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