Problems with latest Gutsy kernel update

John DeCarlo johndecarlo at
Wed Sep 12 01:18:38 UTC 2007

On 9/11/07, Paul S <paulatgm at> wrote:
> John DeCarlo said the following on 09/11/2007 03:24 PM:
> > Hello,
> >
> > I don't see anything about this in Google, so I may have something
> > different about my setup.  In fact, I suspect that it may be related to
> > having encrypted my entire hard drive (except grub and /boot).


Most likely you got stuck between partial upload of updates.  For gutsy,
> you should be using "aptitude safe-upgrade" to avoid removing needed
> packages before the newer update appears in the repository.

It was my understanding that "safe-upgrade" was the equivalent of
"upgrade".  At least when I typed aptitude upgrade it responded that I
should be using "safe-upgrade".  "Dist-upgrade" allows you to update the
kernel, otherwise it sits as a set of packages that aren't included.

FWIW, on my box with encrypted root, the kernel updated ok, but the
> nvidia (restricted-modules) package is still missing.  So, I don't think
> encryption is your problem.  Go back to your feisty partition and wait a
> day for more gutsy updates to reach the repos before using gutsy again.

Well, it has been since Saturday or Sunday, I believe.  And if no one else
has the symptoms after three or four days, it might not be addressed.  Or it

I just boot to the older kernel until I can get the newer one working.


John DeCarlo, My Views Are My Own
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